Thursday, December 24, 2009

Final Reflection

I will express my opinion about the google project and about what we have done through this course. About myself, I am not so talented in the electronics and using the IT. This was a main problem in all my projects and each time i had to ask for people help. Google project really helped me a lot. I had a lot of fun while searching for the different Google programmes. i found the google programmes very fast, easy, simple and useful!! It really made any research more fast exact and accurate. It saved a lot of my time to know how to use the google programmes correctly such as google desktop, google finance, google searching features and the google earth. The google programmes will help us a lot in our work and in our real life. Google Desktop was the programme that I liked most. I spent a lot of time looking for the additional features that you cant put on your desktop and each day am changing the google desktop features and adding something new. I feel that keep my desktop look very beautiful plus that I am being updated all the time with my duties, time and some news.
I was always using the google Picasa before, but by the google project, I discovered many additional features in the Picasa such as tagging the faces and the Picasa web site.
I was always using the IE browser and i was always suffering from the low speed. Using the Google Chrome was very useful and by now am feeling very comfortable in doing all my research.
The google search features is a very new issue to me which I saw very simple aCheck Spellingnd useful.
Being as a teacher and teaching the students the Google Earth helped me to discover what is the google earth exactly and being an expert in it. I am implementing what i learned from the google earth in my real life and by now whenever i want to search for any information about a particular country, I use the google earth. I find it very informative in addition that it provide images and pictures which help us to learn more.

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